Giving back

It’s your support that helps us continue to serve the community and those most in need. From pediatrics, primary care, dentistry, and vision care to Behavioral and Women’s Health your donation makes a real difference in the lives of those throughout the Yakima Valley.

Giving back

Donations can be made directly to:

Yakima Neighborhood Health Services
P.O. Box 2605
Yakima, WA 98907

Shop at Fred Meyer and Amazon Smile?

Register with them and their charitable foundations will donate to YNHS at no cost to you!

Fred Meyer Community Rewards Program | Amazon Smile


Learn more about volunteering at Yakima Neighborhood Health Services.

We offer many ways for you to share your time and talents, both in the Lower Valley or in Yakima. To find a volunteer opportunity that matches your interests, call 509-454-4143 and ask for Human Resources.