We Support Moms and Babies

Neighborhood Health understands that the key to a healthy family starts with a healthy mother. We can help you plan for and manage your pregnancy, delivery, and maternal health. After baby comes, we can help you give them the best start with breastfeeding assistance, nutritional education, and support for infant and child health care.

Moms and babies

We offer a lot of guidance and support for you during and following your pregnancy.

  • Prenatal Support
    • Referrals to WIC, health insurance, and other community resources to help you learn about:
      • How pregnancy will affect you
      • Fetal growth and development
      • Childbirth and parenting
    • Questions about becoming a new parent.
      • Caring for new babies
      • Infant brain development and cues
      • Adjusting to a new baby

First Steps Maternity Support Services

A health care team of nurses, nutritionists, behavioral health specialists, peer educators, and case managers can help you prepare for the physical and family demands of pregnancy and caring for a new baby. First Steps Maternity Support Services provides health and education for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby. If you are pregnant and have Apple Health coverage, you are eligible. Services can begin any time during pregnancy, or even right after delivery.

Infant Case Management (ICM) is the second component of First Steps. This program improves the welfare of your baby by providing you with information and assistance to get medical, social, educational, and other services through your baby’s first year of life.

The best time to start is as soon as you learn you are pregnant. At Neighborhood Health you can schedule First Steps Maternity Support Services and WIC appointments at the same time.

Through the First Steps Maternity Support and Infant Case Management programs, you can receive services at:

  • Your own home
  • The Clinic
  • A provider’s office
  • Someplace else you find comfortable

A member of your maternity-care team will schedule a home visit if you have special concerns, or your doctor has restricted your activities.

You may feel overwhelmed at times with so many questions about this big new event in your life. Stress, anxiety, sadness, and depression can occur but it’s important to minimize the effects on your pregnancy, so our behavioral health specialists are here to help you work through these issues.

  • Breastfeeding is the best choice for your baby, and we will teach you all about this and feeding your infant. You may choose to join a lactation support group where breastfeeding new moms share tips, problem-solve, and share a few laughs. You can also receive these services when you come in to participate in the WIC program.
  • In our First Steps Maternity Support Services program, visits can be scheduled consecutively with the WIC breastfeeding classes. You’ll learn everything you need to know about breastfeeding your baby. And you’ll have plenty of company as lots of women find they are fearful about not making enough milk or worried it will hurt.
  • Our team of nutritionists, nurses, community health workers, and behavioral health specialists will help you be proud of breastfeeding your baby. There is no doubt that breast milk provides the best possible nutrition for your baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of life and continued breastfeeding as solids are introduced for 1 year or longer as “mutually desired by mother and infant.”
  • Learn about healthy foods for you and your baby from our registered dieticians. We will also help you track your weight gain and manage other health concerns such as high blood pressure and high blood sugar.
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Education (SNAP Ed) is another program with incentives for you and your family to eat healthy. Cooking classes, recipes, shopping tips, and group support for maintaining a healthy weight are all a part of this successful program which women and their husbands or partners, as well as children, find fun and informative.
  • Neighborhood Health hosts baby showers with Community Health Plan of Washington. Play some games, eat some healthful food and win some prizes.
  • Let’s start eating healthy and living longer. Call for more information.
    • Yakima: 509-454-4143
    • Sunnyside: 509-837-8200 or 509-515-0580
  • Yakima Neighborhood Health
    12 South 8th Street | Yakima
  • Neighborhood Health Sunnyside
    627 Scoon Road | Sunnyside

Women, Infant & Children’s Nutrition Program

You’ve heard it before: You are what you eat. What you choose to eat has a big impact on your health, the proper development of your baby and your children as they grow. For older children and adults, good nutrition can prevent chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes. Even your ability to recover from an injury or surgery is affected by your diet.

The Women, Infants and Children (WIC) supplemental food program is for women who are pregnant or breastfeeding, infants and children. WIC also provides health screening, nutrition and health education, breastfeeding promotion and support, help getting other services, including nutritious foods. Click here to find out if you are eligible for WIC.